+ I need childcare.

Types of childcare

There are several types of childcare programs that operate in Alberta:

  • Out-of-school care programs operate before and after school, during lunch hours and sometimes when school is closed. These programs provide care to school-aged children.
  • Daycare programs are facility-based programs that serve infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children. Typically, daycares provide care throughout the day, from the morning to early evening.
  • Preschool programs offer childcare for 4 or less hours per day for preschool aged children.
  • Approved family day homes offer care in an individual’s private residence and can provide care for 6 or less children, including the caregiver’s own children, with one caregiver. Children of all ages may participate in approved family day homes.
  • Group family child care programs offer care in a private residence. There are typically between 7 and 10 children with 2 caregivers. Children of all ages may participate in group family child care programs.
  • Private childcare providers offer child care services and are not licensed by the province or approved to operate under the provincial family day home category. Private child care providers can care for up to 6 children, not including their own, at any given time. Private child care arrangements and programs are not monitored by the Government of Alberta.

To find quality child care near you, visit the Alberta website.

+ I need financial assistance for childcare.

Childcare Subsidies

Eligible lower- to middle-income families can apply for child care subsidies if they have a child enrolled in:

  • Licensed daycare centres
  • Licensed group family child care
  • Approved family day homes
  • Licensed out-of-school care centres

How to apply:

You can now apply online using a computer, tablet, or mobile phone through the Child Care Subsidy Application.

After you apply:

If you meet certain conditions, you will receive a conditional 2-month subsidy after submitting your application while completing your assessment.If you do not meet the conditional acceptance requirements, you will receive a subsidy once your application is approved.

Depending on the details of application, you may be required to provide additional documentation to complete your application. We will let you know what documents are required towards the end of the assessment process.

Each subsidy starts at the beginning of the month your completed application is received. You can apply as early as the month before your child is starting child care. For example, if your child's start date is September 1, you can apply as early as August 1.

Approved applications:

If approved for a subsidy, you will receive a letter indicating the subsidy start and end date and the amount your child care program will receive on your behalf.

Supporting documentation:

If you did not submit all of your supporting documentation when you applied, you will be given a 2-month conditional approval period to submit them. Once all necessary documents are received and approved, the subsidy may be granted for a maximum period of 12 months. You will be responsible for returning any funds paid if all documentation is not submitted within the time period specified.

Applications that are not approved:

If your application is not approved, you will receive a letter stating the reasons why the subsidy application was not approved. You can request a review of a subsidy decision by submitting the Administrative Review Request form within 30days from the date of the decision.


For general inquiries about child care subsidies, contact the Alberta Supports Contact Centre:

Hours: 7:30 am to 8:00 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-644-9992 (in Edmonton)
Toll free: 1-877-644-9992

Send your completed forms, supporting documents and any inquiries to the provincial subsidy office:

Fax: 780-422-5692
Address:  Child Care Subsidy
PO Box 1641, Station M                
Edmonton, Alberta  T5J 2N9

Click here to learn more about the Child Care Subsidy.

+ Is school a safe place for my child?

K - 12 School Re-Entry Information

Students across Alberta returned to class for the 2020/21 school year under Scenario 1: In-class learning with enhanced health and safety measures.

School health measures:

The school re-entry plan (2020-21 school year) allows schools and parents to prepare for learning while putting student and staff safety first.

The plan offers guidance on a wide range of operational issues including masks, hygiene and health requirements, student learning, transportation, diploma exams, and mental health and psychological supports for students and staff.

Self-screening questionnaire

Parents, students and school staff must review the self-screening questionnaire each day before going to a school building. Visitors must also use this questionnaire to determine if they may enter a school.

People with medical conditions

For students with pre-existing or underlying medical conditions or risk factors, parents should:

  • Consult your child’s physician to consider the health risks and make a decision about returning to school that will best support the child.
  • Contact your child’s school to discuss available options and support.

Returning to school after an illness

A student who is required to isolate due to symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat) or due to having COVID-19 can return to school after a minimum of 10 days pass from when symptoms started or after their symptoms resolve, whichever is longer.

A student who is required to isolate due to symptoms may also return to school if they test negative for COVID-19, as long as they have not been identified as a close contact of a case of COVID-19.

Students who have pre-existing medical conditions with symptoms similar to COVID-19

The first time your child has a symptom that could be caused by COVID-19 or by a known pre-existing medical condition (such as a cough related to asthma), keep your child home and have your child tested for COVID-19.

Your child should be tested for COVID-19 to confirm that the symptom is not due to COVID-19 before they return to school. This will be considered your child’s baseline health. They may continue to attend school as long as this symptom stays the same and they do not develop any new symptoms.

If there is a case of COVID-19 at school,

All parents will be notified when:

  • One confirmed COVID-19 case is identified as having been infectious while at school
  • An outbreak is declared

The COVID-19 school status map shows the current status of COVID-19 in K-12 schools across Alberta.Schools with 2 or more confirmed cases (within a 14 day period and where disease could have been acquired or transmitted in the school) will be identified on the map.

If a school has a confirmed positive case, AHS Public Health will work with school authorities to quickly:

  • Identify when symptoms developed
  • Identify and contact people who had close contact with the person who tested positive to offer testing and let them know about quarantine requirements
  • People are required to quarantine for 14 days if they live with or area close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19.
  • Only close contacts of a confirmed case of COVID-19 need to quarantine. Contacts of close contacts do not need to quarantine.

Each school will:

  • Notify staff and parents if a case is confirmed at school
  • Support students and staff to learn or work at home if they are required to isolate or quarantine

If a school has 2 or more cases who were at school while infectious and/or were likely exposed to COVID-19 while at school:

  • The school would be considered to have an outbreak
  • AHS medical officers will assess the spread and exposure risk to determine if it affects students and staff in multiple grades and areas, or is confined within close contacts of a confirmed case, and provide specific recommendations
  • An outbreak will not automatically lead to school closure

To read more, please visit the Alberta site.

+ Should I send my child back to school?

AHS is working closely with provincial partners to support a safe and healthy return to school. Your child can continue to go to school if they are well, unless you are notified by AHS that they have been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 or are experiencing COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms.

Your child’s school will communicate with you if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the school. AHS will work closely with the school to identify close contacts, and to notify parents of children identified as close contacts. It’s important to monitor for your child for symptoms of COVID-19 and keep them home from school if they are not feeling well.

Other questions?

If you have questions about your child's health, call Health Link at 811.

If you have questions about specific health measures in your school, or the re-entry plan, talk to your child's teacher or school administrator.

For answers to common questions, see Back to School During COVID-19: FAQ.

+ I think my child is sick. What should I do?

If a student shows symptoms:

Use the following chart to find required and recommended actions to take if a student shows symptoms.

If a student tests positive for COVID-19, they must isolate for at least 10 days. Visit Isolation Requirements for more detailed information.

If symptoms develop at school

  • The student will be asked to wear a non-medical mask and be isolated in a separate room or kept at least 2 metres away from others.
  • Parents will be contacted to pickup the child immediately (ensure your school has up-to-date contact information).

To read more, visit the Alberta website.